Kubernetes DNS performance - ndots
TIL a DNS config that exists in many kubernetes setups, including yours.
Today I learned about ndots.
ndots is a config parameter from /etc/resolv.conf
which configures a threshold for the number of dots which must appear in a name given to res_query
Depending on your Kubernetes setup, pods may contain the following content inside /etc/resolv.conf
Notice that ndots is set to 5
Now, imagine there’s a payments service (apiv1/service) and that other pods (N replicas) are sending requests to this payments service using the internal service url.
i.e payments-svc.payments.svc.cluster.local:3000
(4 dots)
The dns resolver, will then say “Hey, 4 dots is less than 5!” and then will build name queries with each of the domains below, try them and return the one that resolves.
Now, thing that this other pods are sending 5k requests per second to the payments service. Sucks to be kube-dns (or core-dns), right? CPU throttling will skyrocket and services depending on payments will start to be slow.
An immediate solution would be to add a dot (.) at the end of the URL
This will tell the DNS resolver to look for the name as it is.
If you have prometheus running you can easily test this.
Create a couple pods in namespace X and a service in namespace Y, then write a simple script to force DNS resolution and compare the results.
for i in {1..5000}; do nslookup app.y.svc.cluster.local}; done
and then
for i in {1..5000}; do nslookup app.y.svc.cluster.local.}; done